Help and FAQ - Dukes Weight Loss
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Medical Questions & Side Effects

Medical questions relating to the use of Dukes Weight Loss products including shakes, soups & oats.

Can I follow the program if I have a medical condition or am taking medication?

Although our products are safe to use as directed, we recommend you consult a medical professional before starting a weight loss program if you have a medical condition or are taking medications.

Can I follow the Dukes Weight Loss Program if I have diabetes?

It is possible to follow the Dukes Weight Loss Program if you are a diabetic, but you should only do so after consultation with your relevant health professional.

Is it OK to follow the Dukes Weight Loss Program if I have high blood pressure?

Generally losing weight can help reduce high blood pressure.However, please check with your medical professional before starting the program.

Will Dukes Weight Loss​ Products interfere with my medications?

There are no active ingredients in Dukes Weight Loss products that should interfere with your medications. However, you should always check with a medical professional before starting a weight loss program.

Can I use Dukes Weight Loss​ products while pregnant or breastfeeding?

We do not recommend you follow the Dukes Weight Loss Program when pregnant or breastfeeding unless directed by a medical professional.

I’m getting headaches and feeling tired - is that normal?

It's common for people to get headaches and feel tired when their body is adjusting to burning fat to compensate for a lower calorie diet. Make sure you drink lots of water and your body should get used to it and the symptoms will reduce. If the symp

I have noticed I have bad breath since starting the program?

This is reasonably common when following a low-calorie diet and is a result of the ketosis process of your body burning stored fat.

Do Dukes Weight Loss Shakes, Soups & Oats make you constipated?

On rare occasions Dukes Weight Loss Shakes, Soups & Oats can lead to constipation, although this is less likely than with products based on cow's milk (Whey). To help avoid constipation, we recommend drinking at least 2 litres of water per day.